First Generation Obscura Foundry Commission


One of the first photographic commissions ever created for the blockchain, TIME & AGAIN explores the passage of time, grief and preservation of memory through the visual metaphor of the library.

As technology advances, each layer of our cultural memory becomes thinner, more temporal and difficult to recall. Print resources naturally recede as information is migrated online. Bound newspapers were discarded once scanned onto microfilm, microfilm proved to instable, those often illegible films were hurriedly scanned once more for digital consumption. Edges of scanned books frame brightly illuminated screens and stains of deterioration scar pages where there is no longer paper. Evolving and devolving, the photographs created for this collection began in print, were layered with a skin from the internet and were designed to rest on the blockchain.

What remains are visual clues and symbols which cue where we must START or END as we engage with something, or someone, no longer tangible.

TIME & AGAIN was featured in the Obscura Jounral, read the interview here. Print editions available November 2022.

Obscura Commission: Sold Out
Number of works: 25
Available on primary: 0
Floor price: 0.75 ETH